
Saturday, July 16, 2011

More Event Pics, Now on Facebook

Keeping up with social media can be exhausting at times as you are constantly needing to have new content.  However, it can also be fun.  Personally, I like to blog.  I got my start when Paula and I took our 2 boys on a 6 week trip in our VW Vanagon camper ("Rusty" the boys named him - see Rusty's blog).

Between running our business and keeping up with my boys, I didn't have the energy to create a Facebook page for our business.  Our operations manager Kim felt like we needed on (and I think he was right), so he's started one (see it here).  He's still building the content, but it'll also be a good place to see pictures of our events as well as get ideas for your own.  I encourage you to "Like" it if you're on Facebook. 

And now the battle is on to see who can come up with the best content... it's a good kick in the butt for me to add some more party and event tips up here, so stay tuned.

Meanwhile, here are a few pictures from events today from 2 great outdoor venues that are perfect for summer afternoon weddings and parties - Presidio Park and Mt. Helix.

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