
Friday, March 4, 2011

Max and Jake's Big Race - A Few Pics

We had our 4th Annual Max and Jake's Big Race last weekend.  And despite the storms on Saturday (we were sweating bullets), Sunday was a beautiful day to be out in Mission Trails.  Overall, it was a great day - and we raised over $25,000 for Rady Children's Hospital new heart transplant program.

As we've had in the past, our friend and photographer extraordinaire Darin Fong came out to shoot some professional pictures.  This year's aren't available yet, but you can still see last year's on his blog. In the meantime, here are a few pictures I took. The staging, P.A., canopies are all from Party Production Rentals.

Max and Jake (our son) assist in the pre-race stretching with Derek Togerson from NBC on the stage with the gals from BeFitLifeStyle.
Galaxy - a band of great sounding 6th graders - played Max and Jake's Big Race for the 2nd time, delighting the runners before and after the 5K.
It was a mud run as you can see by the backsides of some runners... and SO FUN.  The overall winner said she "felt like a kid again" tromping through the mud.
Our family - Paula and I in back with Nate on the front left and Jake on the right. 
Here's a group of us at our annual post-race cool down at the Longhorn near Mission Trails.  The Hammerstrom clan is well represented (Max's family and our co-producers of the Big Race).

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