
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Add Movie Magic to Your Next Party

Movies are a great conversation starter at any party, especially Classics that most people have seen at one point or another. Showing a movie in the background - with the sound turned off - is a great backdrop for many parties. The movie adds a visual element for people to look at and a "club-like" feel. Set up your TV or projection screen in an area where you want people to congregate. With the volume off, you can still play music and allow people to converse easily. Pick a movie with great scenes that people will know and make them appropriate to the party.

With holidays coming up, there are many great holiday films that will make a great backdrop... kitschy Halloween horror movies for Halloween parties, classic holiday movies for parties between Thanksgiving and the end of the year, etc. If you have the know-how, putting together a series clips from classic movies adds an extra layer of entertainment - people can guess the movies or talk about their other favorite scenes. Another idea is to find some funny clips or videos on You-Tube. For family parties, old family movies make a great back-drop as well. Have fun with it!

Many people now have big flat-screen TV hanging from their walls in their home, but if need a movie screen for that perfect space, we rent both projectors and screens.

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